Today we are mostly talking about food! William would have liked a boiled egg for breakfast but had to settle for weetabix instead. He is being really funny talking about all the things we are going to make when we get home. Apparently we are going to make strawberry jam (have never made jam but we'll give it a go!) to put on 4 pieces of toast and some scones we will also be baking. Madeleine and I can have jam on scones but not toast that is for William only!
He is almost tube free so hopefully later we can go for a walk to the playroom. All very exciting.
Yesterday he waved to the pets therapy dog at the door who waved back! It is so nice to hear him really laughing again, he is being very cheeky and chatty today. We have had lots of special treats during his stay, the radio lollipop people helped him make a cool door hanger with dinosaurs, the play specialists gave him some really cool monsters to make to encourage him to sit up in bed and today Dr Bing Bong, Dr Bananas and Dr Wee Wee came to visit us and told lots of silly jokes the punch line to most seemed to be poo poo which went down very well!
The change today is huge, there are no more iv lines, no more beeping monitors, thankfully he hasn't forgotten how to wee so now his catheter has gone we are using the loo brilliantly. The new stoma is doing what it should so we are aiming to leave on Friday morning. Keep everything crossed for us!!
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