Thursday, October 17, 2013

A room with a view ...

I am starting to really like the view from g4s after 3 years of visiting!  Today you can see a huge cruise ship in Southampton Water and you get a real good view of the weather up here, it is a bit like being back in OP tower!

In my extensive(!) experience today is actually the hardest day, waiting on your own outside theatre can be very boring and you are anxious but at least you can eat and go for a wee!  Once they get back to bed you are needed all the time for hand holding and talking to lots of different people.  Today has been all about trying to manage his pain, which isn't easy when the patient is three and just says my tummy hurts to every question.  But there are lots of experts here and they are all working on it which is all we can ask for really.

So back to that view, I like it best at night when it is quiet(ish!) and the cranes in the ship yard are lit up, very sopranos!!

Best try and get this boy to sleep so I can eat my packed tea my mum bought me! It looks delicious but you can't really eat in front of someone who is nil by mouth so I keep waiting hungrily!!

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