Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My month in numbers - September 2013

I am trying my first month in numbers, a way of recording what has happened this month using numbers linked to stories.  It is an idea from Julie Kirk's blog notes on paper, find out more here: Month in numbers

So to the numbers:

5 books read this month,  2 real paper books from the library and 3 on my kindle.  During the holidays the children and I went to the library more often to do the summer reading challenge,  it was really fun to choose books together even if William had the counting to ten in Italian book over and over!  I picked up a couple of books on the way out and I had forgotten how good it is to try new things from the library.

1 day spent on the children's ward this month with William tripping out and watching the 3D tv in the treatment room.  They are so nice there and make our visits much easier than they could be :)

22ish LSNED pages completed!  I have really enjoyed doing this and recording my 'lessons' everyday, the combination of reflection and craftiness has been fun. Thank you to my fairy godmother who helped me win a place :)

21 square metres of garden gained by clearing the rubbish, we have cleared more space than we will build over next year.  Two lovely men and a van just got rid of everything and left us this lovely open space for maddieland and williamland to be established.

1 birthday for a new cousin, and 1 lovely birthday cake baked and decorated by Madeleine and William.  They were so cute choosing which shapes to cut out for the top.

Season 5 of sopranos completed :). It is bittersweet to start season 6 as it is the last one we have to choose a new box set soon! Breaking Bad maybe?

5 tickets for return journey to Birmingham for fabulous weekend with Kate, my oldest and bestest friend.  Just lots of catching up, kir royales and fabulous shopping for new tops!  I was especially pleased with my tops from COS with gorgeous packaging that I have ransacked for crafty recycling. Watch out for a London Town map layout on the crafty blog soon :) 

91! The number of photos William took of me and him laughing with the iPad,he discovered the paparazzi mode if you keep your finger on the button and laughed so hard while he took them.  It is moments like this that I gave up work for, definitely worth it today :) 

10 mornings that Madeleine has gone into school with a smile thanks to her fabulous teacher Mr P :) he made her star of the week for being cheerful and it has really encouraged her.  It also means I have had one day this month - the first in 2 years (!) - where both children have gone into school/ preschool without crying or being prised off me.  So much nicer for all of us.

And now the communal count: 

5.1 miles is the distance from home to my first school St Gregory's.

A pint of milk from the milkman is 75p and we have had 60 this month! Not bad as one of us is dairy free :) 

I will be making this into a page in my smash book and posting it on my crafty blog, I need to find a way to combine the two!

A plus! Ktb x 


  1. Welcome aboard Katie! Lovely to have you and your numbers join in this month.

    And I'm so pleased you enjoyed LSNED too! Your month sounds very happy and content so I imagine your LSNED book will reflect that too.

    I fell back in love with the library last summer and have really enjoyed reading all kinds of things I would never have bought. I also find I read more because I know I can't have the books hanging around forever as they're not mine - so I get them finished!

    So far there's only one person who lives a good distance away from their 1st school - lots of us remain quite close - for some reason I expected it to be the other way around.

    Thanks for joining in with a lovely 1st post - I've added you to the board now Katie: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

    Happy October!

    Julie :-)

    p.s: The questions for the 4th 'Communal Count' are now up on my blog if you fancy contributing again

  2. Oh I have enjoyed reading your numbers - and love the photos from the iPad -- they are brilliant! I did LSNED too - and have repeated it several times now - I am so glad you had a lovely September - Enjoy your "Gap Year". J x

  3. Glad to have you join us with your numbers this month! I LOVE LSNED and have done it three times in the past and enjoy looking back at those albums the most!

  4. What a charming count - and how fun to have you playing in the monthly count. Loved the laughing photos. May October bring you extended laughter and joy!
