Tuesday, December 17, 2013

My month in numbers November!

At last!  I have finally got my November pages done and my numbers recorded.  I must make notes as December goes on to avoid all that remembering!!

Lots of bike riding, crafting and catching up with home stuff and friends this month.  3 Hometown Hifi gigs too :) 

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that gorgeous photo making another appearance on here. And I'm sure all your new family shots are going to keep you busy scrapbooking.

    Looks like you had a very cosy November - which is just how it should be!

    You're on the board now Katie: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/ Thanks for joining me.

    Happy December + warm wishes of the season to you all!

    Julie x
