There haven't been many moments like this during my gap year! I had wondered at the start if I could work in cafés using wifi while the children were at school. The reality is very rarely! BUT since w had his Botox last week and is back at school I am enjoying a little burst of freedom :) having spent the last 6 weeks focusing on getting our boy back on track it is strange now to find myself with 3 hours to fill in the morning. I have LOTS to do but occasionally find time for a cup of tea and an hour on my iPad using the free wifi. Today is a bonus as I have my free waitrose cup of tea!
I am starting to feel like a real person again!
Did you notice the torsade? Well if the tea is free you need to have a cake, I am a marketeer's dream!
After I wrote this I remembered I hadn't voted yet so the moment of calm turned into a rush round the rest of the supermarket and then on to home to vote. I was shocked at the number of parties on the ballot paper and how many seemed to be vaguely racist and most were anti EU. I shudder to think what could happened they all got together thank goodness for factions.